Sunday, May 31, 2020

Create A 10X Content Pillar Page For You


Hi, welcome to my Gig! Let me ask you a question.

Ever felt overwhelmed or tired of all the effort you put in content and little results you get? I have a solution for you: a "10x content pillar page". It's an effective way of covering all aspects of a broad subject in depth.

Take a look at some of its benefits and then you decide for yourself:

  • Become a reliable resource in your niche
  • Attract more traffic and happy leads
  • Increase your chance to outrank your competitions

  • Improve your SEO
  • Improve your chance of getting into one of those lovely featured snippets
  • Be prepared for the voice search trend 


Interested? The whole process is the same for all types of businesses but topics, keywords and ideas will be all tailored to your business. So, these are the main steps:

  1. You tell me all goals, topics and keywords that you have in mind
  2. I'll do a comprehensive research and share the result with you
  3. We decide on the final topic and subtopics
  4. I'll create all the content
  5. I'll give you the best way to publish and promote your 10x content
  6. I'll always answer your questions

I didn't mention lots of details here, so feel free to contact me and we talk more about it! 


Seller's Response:

I engaged Elham again to work on another pillar page for our business, you can tell that Elham has spent an enormous amount of time researching the topic and writing high-quality content that far surpasses any similar pages that our competitors have. As always, I will be engaging Elham to write more content for us and progress our marketing work.

Seller's Response:

Thank you Matt, it's always great to work with you!


I engaged Elham to create a new pillar page for our website to complement the two other pillar pages that Elham has created for us. The new pillar page addresses information security well and will be the basis for a new campaign we're working on to promote related services.


I engaged Elham to create a checklist that will be provided as a content offering as part of our Hubspot workflow. Elham followed the provided instructions and delivered a good checklist in a short amount of time. I would recommend Elham for assistance with content marketing related tasks, particularly when using Hubspot.


I engaged Eltham to assist with improving the formatting of our pillar pages to better improve on page SEO in Hubspot.

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