Friday, May 29, 2020

Set Up Your Automatic Lead Generating System


Want to have leads lining up to stay at your resort, or have your beautiful content shared around the web? Or each more people and make more money? I specialize in Pinterest strategy & management, which is perfect for social media savants and hesitant hoteliers alike. Increase your traffic and sales with the visual Search Engine & Tailwind!

Gaining followers is great, but how about increasing your "Impressions", "Clicks", "Saves" and "Monthly Viewers" to that drives traffic to your website? This traffic consists of qualified leads who are interested in what you have to offer.

Pinterest and Tailwind strategies begin to yield major results after 2-3 months of consistent implementation. This gig is meant to get you started and set you up for an online content marketing strategy. 


  • Set up Pinterest Account
  • Create 5-10 Boards with Branded Covers
  • Use keyword rich Hashtags, Title, and Description
  • Share pins
  • Join 1-3 Group Boards
  • Share pins to the Group Boards
  • Set up Tailwind 
  • Schedule pins on Tailwind


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