Sunday, May 31, 2020

Create Your Youtube Content Plan


YouTube is an amazing platform that lets you connect with your audience in a unique way. As a brand it is imperative that you optimize your channel to get the best results.

I'm here to help you stand out and get noticed on the platformby using my expertise and past experience to create for you a visually appealing and content driven YouTube channel.

If you're an individual looking to be an influence, we will start our collaboration by composing your personal Swot analysis  thereafter creating a content plan designed for you.

If you're a business looking to increase you online presence, we will discuss your goals and create content that perfectly aligns with those goals.

I will do the following:

- Define Goals
- Set Up Account

- Custom Channel Art

- Channel Description

- Link Channel To Social Media Pages

- Advice On Filming

- Custom Logo
- Keyword Research
- Video Tagging

- Custom Thumbnails
- Content Plan With Video Topics

Ready? Lets get working.


: : : : :

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