Sunday, March 29, 2020

Create Your Social Media Posts


I will create the content you need for your social media, be it Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (those are the three I am more confident with).

  • I can take the picture you want to share and write an awesome comment to post it with, basing on your goals (i.e. you want to be noticed by a precise target of people). 
  • If you need a more appealing content I can take your image and custom it (adding shapes, texts, logos) and then give it a caption. 
  • If you have just an idea to share and don't know what to do I can find the image that most fit your goals, custom it with your logo or something you want to be written on it, and then give it a killer phrase to share with.

In the case your needs don't match any of the packages, contact me with your specific request and we'll find a solution in no time.


: : : : :

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