Monday, March 30, 2020

A Press Release For Your Website


About this gig 

Press Releases are the industry standard for high quality white hat SEO. We can take your business or an event and turn it into a high quality article called a Press Release.

Then we will seed this article through multiple, high quality news distribution channels including the Associated Press, Lexis Nexis, Comtex & more. Hundreds of news outlets will pick up your press release and publish it on their site resulting in a multitude of high quality, diverse links from very authoritative, real news sites.

These links bring authority, trust, and diversity to your link profile.

When these top news syndications pick up your press release and publish it on their own site, you’ll be getting high authority links from domains that have DA of 20-90+! These are not subdomains either.

About my service

My white hat policy is the foundation of all of our product innovation. Before I develop any new product or make any updates we always ask ourselves the same question, is this white hat? And if the answer is yes, then I continue. I have hundreds of clients under management and have never had any client penalised by any search engine.


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