Sunday, March 29, 2020

Publications On Social Networks In Spanish


Hello my name is Erika I am a copywriter, professional announcer and video editor. Since I started in the world of writing for the web, I have to create the arts for the blogs, websites and social networks that I managed. I love art, design, writing, getting excited with my voice and editing videos. As you can see the palette of skills I have is wide and I am grateful to have tools to develop it, constant training and a lot of desire to collaborate with someone who wants to break through with his business and needs someone to support him in that great leap.

Media Platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin



Her work is very professional. It's noticable the fact that she research for good content, to provide good quality deliverables. I took more services for several platforms.


A pesar de algunos problemas técnicos de parte de la proveedora, supo solucionarlos y sacar adelante una propuesta de contenido interesante y bien planificada. Seguiré trabajando con ella.

: : :

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