Monday, February 24, 2020

Be Your Social Media Manager



We are Social Media Managers who love their job! We represent Vendo Brand, an award-winning full-service digital marketing agency. We offer businesses innovative solutions that deliver the right type of audience to you in the most effective strategies as possible.

Social Media is now one of the most powerful marketing tools with the ability to communicate with a target audience in real time. 

Services Includes:

  • Promoting your instagram by using platform created by our team to get REAL followers, likes, comments, statistics growth. Your Insta will grow increasingly bigger like a snowball! 
  • Creative Content (Personal graphics, colors and personal photographer for your posts);
  • Hashtags Research (Brand related and trending)
  • Brand Pages (Instagram, Facebook, Google My Business)
  • Gathering stock images and visual contents for posts;
  • Scheduling or Posting;
  • SEO
  • Social media pages problem solving (fix Page settings, website linking, About section and more)
  • Ad setup Ad Image design (Gig extra)
  • Facebook ads;
  • Instagram ads;

Thank You:

Don't forget please to discuss with me before placing order!


: : : : :

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