Friday, February 28, 2020

Give You Post On Our DA80 Business Blog


I will post your article or product review on DA80 Business blog .Current topics include Business,Business Low,Small Business ,Real Estate,International Business and Trade. but any Business topic is okay.

I will never remove your post from the site, the links will be there forever.

Any number of links within the blog post is permitted but I would strongly recommend only using 2 at the most, Google seems to prefer this based on my experience.

The search engines like my blog so please don't ruin it with subjects like porn, gambling, etc. as I will reject them and refund your money.  Also, any poorly written material with numerous spelling errors and/or grammatical errors will be rejected.

Article Submission Rules:

1) must be unique content (this will be check with copyscape)
2) must be readable, read prof.
3) Must be at least 500 words.
4) Related to Business/Real Estate no adult and abusive content.
4) No heavy promotional text and phone numbers.


Q. Will the post stay permanently on the site?

A. Yes.

Also view my other guest post gigs here:


Seller's Response:

Thank you!

Seller's Response:

Fast service


Highly Recommend!


Thanks - great experience!


Thanks for the order and feedback. We look forward to working with you. A++++

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