Monday, February 24, 2020

Digital Marketingsocial Media Marketingsocial Ad Campaigns


Facebook Lead Ads provides users with one of the best methods to create and manage leads for your business. These types of campaigns typically appear in the News Feed placements of Facebook and Twitter,Instagram. 

When a user clicks on the Ad, a Lead Form appears which auto-populates data from the user's social media profile, such as email, phone number and name.

If you're looking to capture phone numbers as well, then it's important that you follow-up with leads with a phone call as soon as possible.

I'll also mention that when using Lead Ads, you'll need to have a Lead Magnet in place. This can be anything from an e-book, cheat sheet, list, recipe, etc...

You have to give users a reason for filling out the form.

I'll create an optimized Lead Ad campaign, which can include Lead Magnet design as well as a few days of campaign management.

Also included:

1.Professional Facebook Page Setup/Create
2.Daily Manage and Optimize
3.Add Cover photo
4.Add Profile Picture
5.Add Button
6.Daily Basis Post 
7.Check Analytics

8.Custom Audience List Creation+Targeting

Custom Ads

Ad Extensions

So,Why late,just order to get better service offer hurry up!!!
Thanks ...@porag


: : : : :

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