Monday, February 24, 2020

Write Your Article For Content Marketing


Content writing is boring! 

Some writers only give you a thousand words with nothing related to your brand or what you are selling.

Seriously, every writing need to at least let the readers know that your brand exists and what is your offer can potentially help them after they read the long article. 

And most of the writers don't do that. If you request them to, you can get get a very hard sell at the end like 'Buy now or else' or something the same.

In fact, good content soft-sell the reader throughout the length of the copy, right from the start.

The difference between direct response and content writing is one demand the reader to purchase something right now and the other inform and entertain the reader first then insert a few lines of story-telling or features and benefits.

Here are what I can do for you:

  • Write 1 to 5 articles that position your brand as an expert brand
  • If you choose a series of 5 articles I will help you fit that in your marketing strategy
  • If you have no clue of your marketing strategy...then don't start content marketing I will help you with the marketing strategy first 

Contact me NOW!!! before you forgot


: : : : :

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