Saturday, December 26, 2020

Create Unique Sales,Website Copywriting


Professional Advertising, Sales and Marketing Writer

Whether you're selling by online storefront, a brick-and-mortar building, or out of an apple cart, the key to growth and sustained success is connecting with customers and setting yourself apart from the competition. 

As a good and quick marketing writer, I know firsthand what it means to connect, engage and retain customers through carefully crafted words. Let my time as an honest, quick and careful  marketing writer help you reach and inspire your audience.  

I write content for the following areas:

·         Social Media Ads

·         Sales and Advertising

·         Flyers, Brochures, and Media

·         Web Sites and About Us Pages

·         Video and Audio Scripts ($45 per minute)

·         Emails and Letters


·         Proper English and grammar

·         Unique copy and consistent messaging

·         Project collaboration


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