Thursday, June 4, 2020

Write Shopify Product Descriptions Based On Consumer Psychology Principles


Do you know what it takes to sell anything to anyone?

You need to wake up people's emotions-People buy with emotions and justify with logic!

And of course you need to ask questions. What kind of questions? Any kind!

What does it do? It causes your prospects to desire the answer. So what happens? They continue to read to find the answer! Just like you did! I love this technique! Why? Because it works 100%. I used it in my own shopify stores for years and I skyrocketed my sales!

According to NLP questions create an "open loop" in the readers brain. Want an example? Just re-read the last sentence!

Moreover your product page should be loaded with powerful visual adjectives. This will help the consumer demonstrate your product in their mind. This is where persuasion begins!

Just remember: The first use of every product is inside the consumers' mind.

To sum up, what you will get is:

  • Killer Headlines and titles to grab their attention and keep reading
  • Product description based on consumer psychology that wakes up emotions
P.S. You don't need lots of eyes, just the right ones!

Now place your order and , and watch the dollars come pouring in!


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