Friday, January 24, 2020

Create Content For Your Social Media Page


According to, coming up with consistently good content is one of the top 5 problems businesses face in running their social media accounts.

With today's short attention span of customers, it is vital to create content that attracts attention and engages with the audience. 

One of the ways this can be addressed is through visual content.

  • Content with visuals gets 90% more reach than other forms of content
  • Visual content is 40x more likely to be shared 
  • 90% of the information processed by our brain is visual
  • Visuals are processed 60000x faster than text

I can provide stunning visual content(images) that suits your brand and attracts your audience across different platforms. 

I have experience in:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Instagram Stories
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

Visual content might be the one missing gap between your business and social media growth. Let's change that now!


: : : : :

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