Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Write Content For Your Real Estate Or Finance Business


I offer specialised content for real estate and finance businesses.

With seven years at Australia's largest commercial bank and four years as a content marketing specialist, I offer written content that makes sense to your audience. If you're looking for investors, clients, buyers or even tenants, I know how to speak to them.

Don't waste your time and investment on content marketers who find your industry complex. If you need a writer and content marketer who knows your audience, get in touch.



Very knowledgeable and really helpful! Will continue to use his service.

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Provide You Guest Post On Da46 Website With Dofollow


  • The post will be provided on DA 46 website.
  • It is a multi-niche website, including- lifestyle, health, beauty, business, sports, and others.
  • Content should be original and should be provided by you.

  • It can have one link inside.
  • The article should be of at least 500 words.
  • We WILL NOT post articles related to drugs, s*x, alcohol, casino, gambling, CBD oils, and these words and links MUST NOT BE inside the post! It is best to ask first if we can do an article/topic before order.
  • The post will be published with permanent DOFOLLOW backlink.

For Getting Guest Post on Google News approved site which  DA 83 Site than Check Out this GIG:


Contact me to know the URL or any other detail.



Good service. Recommended!

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Publish Your Article On My Internet Marketing Blog


I will publish your article on my Internet Marketing Blog. 

You will Get a permanent guest post with dofollow backlink from a high quality 9 year old internet marketing blog.

Message me to find out the website URL.

I do not  accept adult, porn, gambling,crypto currency, betting, casino type links/content.

If your article is not based around the internet or digital marketing niche, this includes Internet Marketing,SEO,Website And Content Creation,Video Marketing,Social Media Marketing,Paid Advertising,Apps Etc.  Then message me first before ordering with the article that you would like me to publish.



Thank you. All good!

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Guest Post Your Article On My Spanish Da23 Blog



Get dofollow links in a DA23 blog from Spain.


Please ask before purchase to see if your article is ok to publish

  1. Must be provide an article 500+ words
  2. Article can contain no more than 3 links
  3. Must be original content
  4. PG rated only- no illegal or immoral related content. No Spam content.

I have the right to deny any article not meeting these guidelines. Your money would be refunded. Ask first if you have any doubt.

I also can write the article for you, see the packages.


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Monday, December 30, 2019

Be Your Website Manager And Content Manager


Hey there!

If you are looking for a content manager or someone to maintain your website, then you are looking at the right service gig.

  • Edit articles
  • Format articles
  • Publish/schedule articles
  • Add images

Extra GIG:

  • Update plugins
  • Update existing articles
  • Add internal and external links
  • Search and add images
  • Write meta descriptions

You can check the extras or contact me if you need someone to manage your website for one week to 30 days. If you have more than 20 articles that you want to schedule, kindly contact me for custom gig.


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Create A Monthly Website Content Calendar


The Basic package includes a five-day content marketing calendar. Each of the topics will be highly researched and I will provide two keywords for each of the topics suggested. 

The standard plan is a one-month long calendar. Each week will have a total of three posts and each of these topics will have their keywords as well. The total number of posts for this package is 12 posts and 24 keywords. 

The premium is a three-month-long plan. The number of weekly posts will be three. This plan will include a total of 36 well-researched topics and 72 keywords.  

Each of the plans includes competition research. I will look at the websites that take a lot of the traffic you are targeting, and I will find topics that will bring that same traffic to you instead. 

If you need your content written, you can also discuss with me and I will give you a cost based on the number of words you need. Kindly note that this is a paid additional service that will be discussed. I will write well-structured and researched content for all the chosen topics at an extra charge. 

Warm Regards, 

Nekishon Looseyia.


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Create Instagram Content For Your Business


Allow me to help you transform your business' Instagram with a beautiful new aesthetic and create consistency with your posts so that you are always on your costumer's mind. My services are as simple as filling out a brief worksheet so that I can tailor the content that I'm creating to fit your vision for your business. This will aid you in promoting your product or service in a way that will make your customers feel like they NEED to work with you.

The toughest part about social media is remembering to show up everyday especially since you're already so busy in your actual day to day life. When we plan ahead together all you'll need to do is take the piece of content I already created for you for the day and take 2 seconds to press the post button. So get excited! We're about to level your Instagram game up!


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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Show You How To Become An Affiliate For Amazon


I will show you how to become and Affiliate for Amazon. This way you can promote their products and get paid when customers purchase products off your link. This is outstanding if you have a huge email list or lots of Facebook Friends or Twitter and Instagram Followers etc. I will typically deliver in 1 day. 



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Mathematics, Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, Statistics


I am professional Mathematician. I am an expert in Mathematics Calculus College Algebra, Advance Algebra, Differentiation Equations, Mathematical logic, Applied Mathematics,
I am offering to help with your Mathematics work with full Quality and Efficiency. 

I can help you with
  • Mathematics
  • Differential Equations
  • Arithmetic calculus
  • Vector calculus
  • Trigonometry
  • Calculus
  • Pre Calculus
  • Computer Programing
  • Pre Algebra
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Algebra
  • Mathematics Integrals

  • Mathematics Derivatives

  • Geometry
  • Vectors
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Vectors Mathematics
  • Linear and Multiple Regression
  • General Math

I assure you:

  1. 24 Hours Online Service
  2. 100% buyer Satisfaction Guaranteed
  3. Work will 100% Perfection

Note: Please contact before placing the order


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Create Your Content Strategy Instagram German Market


This gig is especially for customers looking for a German native for the DACH Market.



Hi, schön, dass du da bist!

Dieser Gig ist richtig für dich als Unternehmer, wenn du gerne auch die sozialen Medien für dein Business nutzen möchtest, aber noch nicht genau weißt, wo du anfangen sollst.
Vielleicht hast du schon angefangen, aber er läuft noch nicht so, wie du es dir vorstellst, oder du hast einfach keine Zeit das Internet zu durchsuchen, um die einzelnen Informationen zusammenzutragen.

Ich weiß, auch wenn du eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung vor dir hast ist es immer noch extrem schwierig zu wissen, was wirklich wichtig ist für deine Strategie. Auf welche Punkte du achten solltest und wie die Reihenfolge am effizientesten ist. Welche Tools du nutzen kannst und wo du Informationen auch umsonst bekommst.

Ich helfe dir der Erstellung deiner Strategie, konkret auf dein Business und deine Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten.
Schaue dir mal mein PDF an, dort ist ganz genau aufgelistet, was in diesem GIG alles inbegriffen ist.


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Massive Cbd Promotion,Cbd Marketing,Drive Quality Usa,Uk Traffic To Your Site



    Am a Professional Marketer with 5 Years of great experience in CBD PROMOTION,CBD MARKETING.I will do best Highly Targeted Marketing Strategy to boost your website conversion,gives your store maximum exposure to right audience,converts visitors to buyers and returning buyers.

The fact about life is that there millions of online store today rendering different kinds or service, selling different kinds of product but the FACT is that they are making EQUAL SALES. WHY ? Is the work of a professional marketer with vast years of experience in a specific niche.

How will i pro.mote your cbd website
I will do viral pro.motion of your CBD website on Top social media platform such as {Facebook,Instagram,twitter,Google+,and so on}
I will send out e-mail marketing campaign with high converting contents
I will set-up effective follow ups strategy
Drive quality tra.ffic not Bots

How do I market? Email campaigns, Social media, Backlinks, Video Marketing

My main goals
Targeting right audience
Maximum Website Exposure
Quality Work Done
Buyers Satisfaction < Guaranteed >
Order now


Seller's Response:

1st time not sure about it

Seller's Response:

Good person to work with

Seller's Response:

Great work brings positive result,Thanks for the understanding


No orders from any traffic.


All good..

Create Content Ideas For Your Youtube Channel Or Website


Supplying you with unlimited ideas to save your work, after a while every big website, blog or youtube channel lose their audience because of lack of entertainment, same stories and nothing interest the viewers and then you loose your spot. This is where i come in supplying you with ideas you are looking for, don't believe me? try me.

why me?

well i am someone that been on Internet for more than a decade, seen people went up and down, know the mistakes they did and also the smart choices.

You see its not up to you sometime because even to do the right thing you have to do it the right way.

Note: Hire me first by clicking order, it is my promise and my duty to stay with you and work and help you to your full need.


Seller's Response:

Yh but Im sure he give the same idea to every one which may later cause saturation.


All ideas provided are different for everyone.


Thanks for the work.


Great communicator. Job well done. I'm happy with the result.


Very good seller fast too!!!

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Write Content That Will Increase Your Website Traffic


Hi, I graduated from the Department of Travel Management and Tourism Guidance in Çanakkale. I am currently studying my second university in Business Administration (English). I have provided Turkish / English services in many fields such as travel, history, games, economics - finance, movies, crypto money, news, paraphrasing and I also have subtitle translation services. I have an article archive that I have written and published close to 2000 (two thousand).

Generally; I have experience in many areas such as;

  • Content Writing/Creation
  • Editorial
  • Content SEO
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Translation
  • Academic Article Writing
  • Content Marketing

I was the editor of an American news site about crypto currencies. I also provided translation and article services to major networks such as advertising agencies. I also worked as an interpreter for a German company's commercial relations and was part of a UK-based agency team, where I worked actively in SEO Editing. In addition, there are hundreds of sites I have written content.

I am currently working as a Content Marketing Manager at a US-based company.


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